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A very worried woman was hurrying late at night on the street and when she was exchanging with a man whom she did not know, she said to him: Oh thank God that you saw a man, sir I apologize for the concern, can you help me with some money?

A very worried woman was hurrying late at night on the street and when she was exchanging with a man whom she did not know, she said to him: Oh thank God that you saw a man, sir I apologize for the concern, can you help me with some money? I ran out of gas in the car and I have to definitely come home to see my daughter. Today is her birthday. See your daughter? I know something, I have heard this story many times, replied the gentleman respectfully and in disbelief.

Please don’t talk like that, I’m not lying to you, he also wrote me a letter, I have it in my pocket, said the woman and while he was checking in his pockets to find the letter. He checked how much in one pocket in the other and he couldn’t find it. Nervous and in a hurry, she was saying: Oh great god, where did I put it, I should have it here. Meanwhile, the gentleman arrogantly and with a high tone of voice intervened: Enough, there is no letter, there is no girl and no birthday. You are just a person who will benefit and nothing more.

Now I’m sorry I have to go, he said and left. No sir, no, I’m telling you the truth, the worried lady continued to speak. Please sir, you have to believe me, she called him from behind, raising her voice and started to cry. The woman fell to her knees, leaned on the sidewalk and was remembering the moment when she left the house in the morning: Mom, why are you leaving, today is my birthday, said the little girl. I know you will come back late and not celebrate with me. Mom: Honey, I have to look for a job and buy a birthday present. I promise I’ll be back. Write me in the letter what gift you want me to buy you for your birthday? Girl: Yes, I wrote it, take it, promise me something, you will come back?

Mom: I promise you my soul. The girl had hugged her mother tightly and said in her ear: Don’t forget to open the letter. After the woman had come out for him looking for work and at the end of the day he went to the parking lot to get the car, it wouldn’t start. Desperate, she put the girl’s letter in her pocket and got out of the car to ask for help. During the time he was warming his arms from the cold, the letter had fallen on the pavement. The gentleman who left without helping him, looks an envelope on the street, bent down to pick it up and it was exactly the letter that the desperate mother was trying to show.

He opened it and with the writing of a child filled with hearts and kisses, it said: My dear mom, the only gift I want for my birthday is to spend the evening celebrating with you. I love my mom. Lesson: All of us can be in trouble and in trouble, someone tries to keep his soul alive, someone to provide food for his family and maybe someone to find a shelter for his child. Therefore, we should not judge anyone without knowing what they are removing, and especially without knowing in what circumstances they are.

Hoping that you liked this story, I want to express my gratitude and thanks for continuing to read these stories and follow my page. Time is precious and I hope it was worth spending it reading this story. I don’t have any left other than to wish you all the best in your families and remind you of our famous but very useful advice: keep your mind in your place friends, keep your mind in your place, everything else will be fixed. I wish you only the best and don’t forget that when you share the posts of the learning page with your friends, you are probably changing someone’s life.

Published inAdvicesEnglishHeart Touching

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